
Showing posts from 2015


               Are you always the friend that never got called to a gathering? Are you the friend that have to walk behind when the walkway is not wide enough? Are you the one that got belittle by each and every of the member in the gang and no one is there to stand up for you so you just have to laugh along. Are your messages got ignored in the Whatsapp group chat? Do any of your friends ever listen to your stories, your ideas or even your pain? Can you recount the times your friends actually sat with you during recess? No? You must be a lucky person. Now, relax and let me tell you the story of a friend that doesn’t have any friend.                 His name was Tre Lee. He was a happy boy. Born in Malaysia, his family together with him moved to Australia when he was 2 so that his father could work in his new company. Every day, his father makes sure Tre does not forget his roots by teaching him Mandarin and Bahasa Melayu. He would tell stories of their ancestors and of traditions

Him And Her- The Meeting.

Him I’m halfway to the bathroom when my alarm started ringing. I left it ringing because I'm too lazy to walk back and turn it off. Another day of waking early for school in where I'm going to do nothing. I turned on the bathroom light and tried to compromise with myself on how shit this day going to be.                 I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Way, going to be 16 this July and hell, my life is great. Being an alpha male when around my friends bring extra confidence in you and everyone just wants to know you. Having girls to ask for your number or boys to ask you to join their football team is almost a daily routine. Of course I play hard to get. So far, I have been in no relationship cause no girl is up to my standard. But, you know how puberty works. Here and then, I go gaga over celebrities.                 Outside of school, I’m more of a celebrity than a normal teenager. I co-write a book with a local author and that’s when people started n