An Islander

                An Islander is an adjective to describe a person who is all alone by himself like one stranded on an island. An islander shall feel no love and give none. To not laugh at jokes their friends made not because it's funny but because he has no friends. To not feel the cares of a brother who is too immersed in his own life. To not feel the love of a mother who is too busy with her work. And expects nothing but beatings from his father. Lastly but not least, to not fit in this society. As if he's from another society. Now, how did i ended up here?

                Maybe it was back to the day when I was born. Or was it the day when my father passed away? Maybe it was the heartbreak I suffered when I thought the love of my life rejected me. Or did it began 2 weeks ago when i defy rational thinking? Maybe it's one of these, but let me introduce myself first. I'm Steven, 14 years old and is an islander.
                I would really like to say it's when my father passed away that my world really flipped around, but my personality didn't change then. It would be the heartbreak I suffered when I was 13 that ultimately led me into this emotion challenging adventure. Betty was her name and she's neither a beauty nor a genius. But I was attracted to her.

               Why, you ask? I don't know either. Her smile, the way her eyes gleam or maybe the way she flips her hair around. When I finally have the courage to confess, it has also open up the opprtunities to know her better. She gave no response though, when I said those magical three words. Long story short, I never have the courage to ask her out. Midway through the semester, something happened. Something that i do not wish to endure again. Still, I think she loves me and sometimes she hates me. I never knew which is which.

               Fast- forward to a few months ago, I finally let go of her. But, that doesn't mean I had stopped caring for her. I thought everything was finally back to normal but life's an *** and more challenges came.

                It was the first semester break and any other typical teens would go on Facebook. I love to add friends without actually knowing them and that's why I have thousands of friends on Facebook. One very fine morning, I started a chat with a random girl. "Hye." I said. It took minutes before she replied. "Hi. I didn't expect you to know me." I smiled and replied, "I don't and that's why I want to know you." She introduced herself and I did my part too.

              "Wow, I can't believe I'm talking to my crush." She said. Curious, I asked who is he. "You." was her answer. Then, she asked me to be her boyfriend. There was a thousand feelings I was feeling then and it's unexplainable. I didn't know what to reply. I just sat there, staring at the message. "You there?"
It was what I did next that really defied my rational thinking. "Yea, you're mine."

             I didn't even know her and i agreed. I didn't even know she's in my school. What is that makes me accept her? Is it me being a playboy or me being a nice guy that doesn't want to break her heart just because I recovered from one? It could maybe because of honour as one of my friends have a lot admirers and i just wanna be up there with him? Jealousy? Probably.
              Not long after, we broke up. My story doesn't end here. Her bestfriend also confessed to me. 2 girls confessing to me in a space of a week is just a lot to take in. Everything's going back to place, i thought. And just how wrong am I. We went on our first date on a Wednesday. Throughout our meal, she couldn't stop smiling at me. I wonder what's so funny. What's wrong with this happy relationship? Almost nothing. Then, I found out her sister's boyfriend is my public enemy no. 1. From then on, I knew that I couldn't be with her anymore. I admitted to her that I don't love her anymore and what a mistake I had make. She threatened to commit suicide. After hours of calming her down, she said she will wait for me no matter what.

              You just couldn't believe it if I said a third girl came and confessed to you and it;s only been 3 weeks! She's not from my school but certainly is a hot girl. My life is really getting exciting. Guess what? 3 weeks, 3 girlfriends. Crazy? This is beyond it. But, I just couldn't contain it. You know what they say. The higher you climb, the more painful the pain. And that's excatly what happened to me.

              The third relationship was a fake. The account was made by my second girlfriend, her sister, her friends and who knows who else. Shocked, sad and suprised, I didn't know what to do. To be a player, to be played back. I told everything to my friend, the one with many admirers. Just when I thought it wasn't going to get any worse, I was slapped with another bitter truth. Truth is, he conspired with my ex to prank and play me. Imagine having a friend so close that you could him your brother and then having him stabbing you from behind. The conversation ended with a middle finger. Did i cry? I'm not sure,

               Let's skip past a few days to the date I'm writing this. Still sad, I sat alone at the bus stop waiting for my aunt to pick me up. Suddenly, she came and started a conversation that will give a huge impact to my life. No, she's not my ex but my classmate and a friend of hers. We were talking about homeworks and stuff when the backstabber walked past me.

               He kicked me and coolly said, "Sorry, my leg is attracted to stupid people. He walked away, laughing.

                 :I don't speak your language, dog." I said but I doubt he heard my reply. "What happened?" She asked.

                "What happened, Fiona?" I asked, pretending to not know anything. "What happened to you and him?" She asked again.

                  "It's a long story."

                  "We have plenty of time." Knowing that letting it out will lighten up my heart a bit, I agreed. I told her everything from start to finish. All the while, I kept my eyes on the road in case my aunt came and I didn't notice. I took a gulp of water when i finished. It really is a hot day. "But, why would he do that?"

                   "Because I'm a player, i guess." I said. "Who's your friend now?" I almost said someone's name but then again, he isn't. After much hestitation, I said "No one."

                   "That's so sad." Heather, Fiona's freind said.

                    "Yeah, it is." Up until this moment, I haven't realised that I have no friends. No one to share secrets, jokes and foods. That I didn't realised that I have no group to eat together during recess. I don't have a brother that cares for me. I know my mom and father loves me but I can't feel it. Realisation strucks me and I know who am I now. An Islander. One to not feel love and give none.

                    "Hey, you know what?" Fiona said. "We have the same problem. We have friends but none is the one." I'm glad to know that I am not alone. "How do you manage?" I asked her.

                     "I don't know. I just keep believing that one day I will find my bestfriend. The one." She smiles. "Hmm." I'm not convinced.

                      "Fight your life with a smile." She said. And I decided then to start believing in my own life. And also smile to fight the challenges ahead. But for now, I'm still An Islander. :)

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*All the characters nd events here are pure fictional and any resembleance to the people, living or dead, is coincidental.

So, that's it. A very weird short story. And yeah, I will try to post a story here at least once every 2 weeks. I know I should have continue wiith puppy love part 2 but I wanted to get this story out first. So, yeah. be patient. Fight your life with a smile. :)

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